Beverly Rogers
Questions & Answers
Who has been your biggest inspiration in your writing career?
In writing and in life, without a doubt, Jesus Christ.
What challenges do writer’s face?
Time. Social media. A.D.D. Well, that’s me, anyway.
How do you come up with your characters?
I have no idea. I know the beginning of a story and the ending, and they sorta create themselves once their story gets rolling. So I’m a pantser—plotting never works for me. I have to be surprised while I’m writing or I get bored.
Are you a bookworm?
I usually have two… maybe four books going at a time. I think I’m more of a bookbutterfly. I flit around a lot.
What’s your writing day like?
I have to have a block of time when I write. An hour here and there doesn’t work for me. I have to schedule like crazy to have the time I need. But it’s worth it.
If you were starting over, what would you do differently? Consistency. I haven't - and won’t - sacrifice one moment with my family for writing; but I would grab more time than I did. Times I watched TV instead of writing. Or squandered hours doing laundry.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A writer. It’s always been that. But if I couldn’t be a writer, maybe an event planner. Or a B&B owner in a Hallmark movie.
Contact Beverly
“You should be writing from life - from the depths of your soul. There is nothing in here of the woman who I am privileged to know. There is more to you than this...reading your book should be like opening a window to your soul.”
Little Women, the Professor to Jo